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Carnelian sphere.

Beautiful Carnelian sphere

Gorgeous colours

51mm 210g

Unique Dragons Eye Effect

All my crystals are genuine, high-quality, and high-energy pieces. prices reflect quality .


Carnelian - Ignite Your Inner Fire and Embrace Vitality


Introducing Carnelian, a captivating gemstone that radiates with warm and fiery hues, embodying the essence of vitality and passion. With its rich history and powerful metaphysical properties, Carnelian has been cherished by civilizations throughout time for its energizing and transformative effects. This exquisite crystal is a must-have addition to any crystal collection, empowering individuals to harness their inner strength and ignite the flames of creativity and motivation.


Carnelian's vibrant and warm colours range from deep reddish-brown to bright orange, evoking the beauty of a glowing sunset. Its translucent to opaque appearance adds depth and allure, making it a versatile gemstone for jewellery and spiritual tools. The smooth and polished surface of Carnelian showcases its captivating play of colours, making each piece a unique work of art.

Spiritual Properties:

Carnelian is a stone of action and motivation, infusing individuals with the courage and confidence to pursue their goals and dreams. Its energies resonate with the Sacral Chakra, the energy centre located below the navel, which governs creativity, passion, and personal power. By aligning and balancing this chakra, Carnelian ignites the inner fire, unlocking a wellspring of inspiration and enthusiasm.

As a stone of vitality, Carnelian revitalizes the mind, body, and spirit, promoting a sense of well-being and positive energy. It dispels lethargy and instils a sense of optimism, making it an ideal crystal to have during times of low energy or emotional imbalance.

Metaphysical Properties:

Carnelian is renowned for its transformative powers, as it assists in breaking free from self-limiting beliefs and old patterns. It encourages individuals to take bold steps forward, embarking on new adventures and embracing change with an open heart. Through this transformative process, Carnelian helps individuals manifest their desires and achieve their goals.

Carnelian is also believed to have a protective quality, guarding against negative energies and promoting a sense of emotional balance. Its grounding nature helps individuals stay rooted in the present moment, preventing them from becoming overwhelmed by stress or anxiety.

How to Use:

Incorporating Carnelian into daily life is a simple and effective way to harness its transformative and energizing energies. Wearing Carnelian jewellery keeps its vibrant energies close to your aura throughout the day, fostering a sense of vitality and motivation.

Meditating with Carnelian can be a powerful experience, as it helps individuals tap into their creative potential and connect with their inner passions. Placing Carnelian crystals in living spaces or personal altars infuses the environment with its revitalizing energies.

Cleansing and Charging:

To maintain Carnelian's optimal energetic properties, regular cleansing and charging are recommended. Cleansing can be done using gentle methods like placing the stones under running water, incense, or using sound vibrations from a singing bowl. Charging Carnelian under the light of the sun or with the energy of the full moon revitalizes its energies and prepares it for further use.

Ignite your inner fire and embrace the vitality that Carnelian offers and embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment. Let this exquisite gemstone guide you towards embracing your passions, overcoming obstacles, and living life with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Carnelian Sphere high quality

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